Become a Certified User

Become a certified user for your organization


Take Control of Your Employee Information

We are dedicated to helping you maximize your assessment solutions in order to achieve specific results, resolve targeted challenges and prove return on investment. There are a number of customizable options in order to provide your organization with the information, training and support that it requires.

Our Service & Support Package gives you the opportunity to self manage your account:

  • 24/7 access and account control.
  • Ability to create unique performance models for specific roles within the organization.
  • Ability to schedule assessments and print reports at any time.
  • Ongoing access to employee data for onboarding, coaching, employee/leadership development, and succession planning purposes.

Implementation Session and Client Workshop – Overview of the system and the tools

This is typically a half day workshop where we’ll review the assessment tools with a particular focus on the application of either the Profiles Assessment Centre (PAC) or EPIC Administrator Centre and resources. Upon completion of the workshop, participants of this workshop will have a good understanding of the use and application of the key tools as well as how to create performance models, navigate the assessment centre and schedule assessments.

Complete Customer Care – Resources, Training and Ongoing Support

The Profiles Assessment and EPIC Assessment Centres and your LePhair Associates will provide easy to follow user guides for easy access and reference. A number of these resources will be provided and referenced during the implementation session and the support binder includes a number of the documents also available online.

In addition, our complete customer care service supports the organization and its employees on an on-going basis as required (initial administrative support with scheduling, report generation and debrief on candidate findings).

Certification – Know the Science

For an in-depth understanding of the psychometrics behinds the PXT Select Assessment, employees can become certified and will receive a certificate of completion. Details and pricing can be provided as required.