Insights into Challenges & Opportunities Facing Hiring Managers in 2021

The Effects of Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic and other events of 2020 have necessitated a complete reimagining of “business as usual,” revealing existing inefficiencies, from workflows to supply chains; casting an unflattering spotlight on long-standing corporate practices that perpetuate inequalities; and forcing organizations to reckon with the need for rapid innovation and crisis management. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Hiring Managers Lack Confidence in Current Hiring Practices

Hiring is difficult even under normal circumstances and Covid-19 has only made the process more challenging. According to the findings (“State of Hiring” Whitepaper) from a recent Wylie Workplace Learning survey of 3000 hiring managers, nearly half indicated that with the growing demands on their time and the ever-present stress of a global pandemic, they have found it difficult to pivot their processes and dedicate adequate time and resources to hire with confidence.

A Better Way Forward

The COVID-19 pandemic and other events of 2020 have necessitated a complete reimagining of “business as usual,” revealing existing inefficiencies; casting an unflattering spotlight on long-standing corporate practices that perpetuate inequalities; and forcing organizations to reckon with the need for rapid innovation and crisis management.

But if the stress-test of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that crisis creates opportunity. Rebuilding is necessary, but rebuilding better than before promises the prized long-term payoff. And this conscientious effort begins with organizations equipping themselves with the best talent on the market—sharp, innovative professionals ready to tackle today’s big challenges and create a brighter tomorrow. So how can organizations accomplish this feat?

Download the “State of Hiring” Whitepaper or contact us directly for insights and tools that can help you build more consistent hiring practices and increase hiring managers’ confidence in selection decisions.

Exerts from Wylie Workplace Learning Solutions’ survey findings in recent “State of Hiring” Whitepaper

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