1. Show your prospects how much enthusiasm you have for your product and business. If you’re convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too.
2. End your sales letter or ad copy with a strong closing. It could be a free bonus, a discount price, a benefit reminder, an ordering deadline, etc.
3. Please your ‘complaining’ customers. You can refund their money, give them a discount, give them a free gift, solve the problem quickly, etc.
4. Get your customers excited about your business and they will tell their friends. Give them a free vacation certificate, a coupon, etc.
5. Give your prospects extra confidence so they will order. Use endorsements, testimonials, a strong guarantee or warranty, etc.
6. Build your opt-in list by allowing your visitors to sign up for a free newsletter, tips, ebooks, software, contests, sweepstakes, etc.
7. You could cross promote your product with other businesses’ products in a package deal. You can include an ad or flyer for other products you sell and have other businesses selling for you.
8. Allow your customers to get part of your total offer right after they order. If you have to ship the item, make one of your bonuses available online.
9. Write and submit articles to e-zine publishers or web-masters. If you want it to be published, it should be like an article and not like an ad.
10. Show your prospects that you are an expert, because authority can persuade people to buy. You could publish an article, write an ebook, etc.
Naturally there are more tips you could implement to help stimulate more sales, the key here is to be creative and think up ways to keep the conversation alive with your customers. Remember, silence is NOT GOLDEN … it’s deadly in sales. Keep the lines of communication open using these tips and you’ll have opportunities to grow.