There are several reasons why you ultimately lose deals you should have won. Unless your portfolio is poor, you often lose deals because you either didn’t listen or you didn’t effectively convey how your product/service would help the client reach their goals.
Here are a few tips to help you sell more effectively.
Most salespeople are social by nature and feel that good at–talking the talk. However, if you can’t effectively convey how your product/service is going to help the client, you won’t get the sale.
== Reflect Before You React
In sales, we tend to want to react immediately when we’re asked a question. But if you take a moment to think of what answer best meets the client’s needs, it will show you are a solution provider. Your clients will value that. REMEMBER: Your best reaction is not always your first reaction.
== Keep It Simple
Just because you know the ins and outs of your business, product/service, doesn’t mean your client will. Speak to them on their level, not yours. Keep the conversation simple and get straight to the point. If your client understands what you can do for them, they are more likely to “buy” your solution. If you try and dazzle them with industry speak, you’ll lose them … and potentially the deal.
== Let the Client Talk
If you want to learn how to best position yourself, find out exactly what the client wants and ask questions to hone in on their needs. By asking questions, you gain a better understanding of how you can help the client, and the client feels they are part of the solution.
== A Little Enthusiasm Goes A Long Way
Your client feels passionate about what they do, and if you show you are equally passionate and enthusiastic about providing them the solution they need, you’ll likely get them onboard. Enthusiasm opens many doors!
== Let’s Get Personal
Sales are a about relationships. Clients want to know they are valued and that you see yourself as a long term partner in their business success. Paying attention to the details about how they want the relationship structured, communication style and personal preferences will help form the building blocks of a lasting relationship.
Remember you need to sell solutions that meet your customer’s needs, not your skills or knowledge. Master this and you will have a long and success sales career.