1-Day Workshop

For the majority of ‘sellers’, proactive prospecting, whether it’s for new clients or new business with existing clients, is not fun. As a result, it can be easily avoided if there are other activity options and distractions available.

The reason it’s not fun is because the challenge in prospecting for new clients is to achieve the Attention, Interest and Need of a potential client who isn’t asking for help. This leads to a high rate of non-interest and the rejection most of us dislike. For existing clients, the challenge is to ask and look for referral sources within your clients, an activity most people find uncomfortable.

Two key elements are required for effective new client prospecting. The first is a shift in your attitude to one of ‘maintaining a positive attitude by assuming a negative result’. The second is to have proven process skills, methodologies and tools such that you can:

  • Find prospects in order of ‘warmth’ and avoid ‘cold’ prospecting,
  • Conduct prospect and person research before making contact,
  • Define the product or service to be promoted, get attention and design the approach letter or e-mail,
  • Make telephone contact following the letter or e-mail,
  • Deal with the client ‘screen’,
  • Conduct first call research and preparation,
  • Plan for sales success!

The benefit of this workshop is it addresses these key elements in a format that allows you to develop a focused approach for your campaign, a ‘Prospecting Letter’, a ‘Telephone Script’ and a contact strategy, combined with a personal action plan and goal setting.
RIBO Accredited: 6.5 Personal Hours
Alberta CE: General & Life: 6.5 Hours

Warm Prospecting One-Day Workshop


‘Warm’ Prospects

  •  How Many Do You Have?
  •  Who Are They?
  •  Existing versus New Prospects
  •  How Do You Find More?
  •  Prospecting Service Definition Tool

Prospecting Campaign Workshop

Mail Campaigns

  •  Prospecting Letter / Email – Things To Consider
  •  Targeted Mailing
  •  Prospecting Letter / Email Structure

Prospecting Letter Workshop


The Telephone

  •  Why Use It?
  •  Making the Call
  •  E-mail and Voice Mail
  •  Dealing With the ‘Screen’
  •  Dealing With the Decision Maker
  •  Telephone Tips and Rules of Thumb

Telephone Script Workshop

Telephone Call Role-Plays

Planning for Sales Success

  •  Develop Annual Production Calculator
  •  Create Sales Performance Action Plan

Summary and Conclusions