1-Day Workshop

Business Developers and Account Managers are often required to make formal presentations to clients and prospects. These presentations may be part of a sales initiative, an annual business review, to present a solution to a client problem we have uncovered, or as part of a finalist presentation.

Irrespective of the situation, presentations must be compelling to clients and prospects, and must differentiate your company from any other alternatives the client may be considering.

Unfortunately, most Business Developers and Account Managers fall into the trap of using the same starting point or traditional ‘deck’ for their presentations, and fail to make them specific and relevant to the client or prospect. They also struggle with the logistics of developing and practicing the presentation, where team members and executives participating in the delivery of the presentation are unclear of their roles, and through lack of practice end up with less than their best effort in front of the client or prospect.

There are two main components to a presentation that truly sells; i) developing and practicing the presentation, and ii) delivering the presentation to the client or prospect. The one-day Presentations that Sell workshop provides the skills, tools and processes required to effectively plan, practice and deliver, Presentations that Sell.

The Presentations That Sell Workshop has been specifically designed for Business Developers and Account Managers who need to develop and deliver presentations that sell! Participants will learn how to develop strong value propositions that resonate with the client / prospect, that differentiate them from any competitive alternatives, and that substantiate or prove their claims and benefits.

Participants will benefit from the proper structure of a presentation using the Presentation Planning Checklist, and how important it is to develop a theme for the presentation. The best practice tips will help them to improve every aspect of their presentations.

Participants will also learn the importance of pre-planning theirs and other team member’s roles in the presentation, as well as the benefits of conducting a dry-run of the presentation. The dry- run helps to ensure that all team members are prepared, comfortable and confident, and that the presentation is delivered as effectively as possible.

Finally, participants will learn how to craft and use a personal presentation or ‘Elevator Story’ for the various types of networking activities they may be involved in. The ability to confidently and effectively network with prospects / clients is a skill critical to our growth strategy.

In this interactive and engaging workshop, participants will have the opportunity to use their own real-world prospect / client scenarios to develop and practice deliver, a presentation that sells. They will also have the opportunity to create and role-play practice, their personal ‘Elevator Story’.

RIBO Accredited: 6.5 Personal Hours
Alberta CE: General & Life: 6.5 Hours

Workshop Overview


Traditional Approach

  • Knowing When to Present
  • Understanding Needs and Pain Points
  • Death by PowerPoint

Creating Value Propositions

  • Definition and the Three Key Elements:
    1. Resonate
    2. Differentiate
    3. Substantiate
  • Getting Feedback from Clients and Others

Exercise #1 – Value Proposition Creation

Presentation Preparation and Structure

  • Planning Checklist
  • Creating the Theme
  • Opening the Presentation
  • Summarizing Client Needs
  • Delivering Value Propositions
  • Dealing with Issues / Push-back and Closing for Next Steps


Presentation Tips and Best Practices

  • Slide content and using graphics
  • T echnology familiarity and back-up plans
  • Hand-outs
  • How to look and feel confident when you are presenting
  • How to ‘talk’ to your slides – not read them
  • Effective time management
  • What to do when you’re not presenting

Post-presentation follow-up

Exercise #2 – Team Presentation Planning

Role-Play – Each Presentation Team Delivers

Our ‘Elevator Story’

  • What Do I Say?
  • When Do I Do It?
  • Planning My ‘Elevator Story’

Exercise #3 – ‘Elevator Story’

Summary and Wrap-Up

  • Team Presentation De-briefing
  • Post-workshop expectations, follow-up and support