Keeping employees motivated can be one of the toughest tasks for managers and leaders. Contrary to popular opinion, money is not the best motivator. Different people are motivated for different reasons and knowing what motivates each employee can be a tough question to answer. Fortunately, we have several assessments that can help provide insight into each employee allowing you to provide targeted, and specific motivational tactics that will work best. Once you have established the best way to motivate an employee it’s simply a matter of choosing the correct tactics. Here are 18 tactics you can use to can inspire and motivate your employees:

* Reward for achievements. If someone achieves a target, secures a client, or just provides a great idea, offer a reward directly proportional to the size/effect of the achievement.

* Recognize good work. Sometimes a simple “well done” or “thank you” can motivate employees.

* Deliver praise from customers. If a customer provides great feedback, make sure to tell the employee and post it publicly.

* Seek feedback from employees. Often employees just want to know they are part of the team and if you listen to their ideas, they will be motivated to provide new ones.

* Provide ongoing training. Some employees thrive on constantly learning and getting that training keeps them motivated and inspired.

* Bring in coffee or breakfast periodically. These small tokens can brighten an employee’s day and inspire them to be very productive.

* Lead by example. If you are motivated and inspired, your team will notice it and have the same passion.

* Involve employees in decisions. Giving employees ‘ownership’ in the company and its decisions will give them motivation to make their company the best.

* Smile, shake hands and get to know employees. Employees who feel a stronger connection to their coworkers and managers are far more likely to be motivated and perform well.

* Have family days or dinners. Get to know their families and their unique situations.

* Go to lunch with employees and get feedback from them. If they give feedback that may be negative, have them come up with some suggestions to fix or improve it, and if they are viable, do them. This involvement is a huge motivator.

* Remember birthdays. Something as simple as a birthday card and a personal message lets employees know that you care about them and they will want to perform better.

* Be sympathetic and listen if an employee is emotional. Problems at home can cause difficulties at work, so creating a good place will allow them to focus better and be more likely to work harder.

* Keep employees informed by scheduling regular meetings about what is going on in the company.

* Send a gift card and thank you note to employees significant other if the employee has been doing lots of overtime.

* Offer bonuses if an employee recommends a good new hire.

* Provide periodic upgrades to employee equipment. A new chair or better monitor can be a major motivator.

* Invite a group of employees out for dinner or drinks. This team building activity can be great at boosting moral and create a team dynamic that makes work a joy.

These are just some examples of motivational tactics that may motivate and inspire your employees. With an assessment to determine which kind of tactics work best, you ca be assured of creating an environment that supports and encourages the efficiency of your employees.