Hiring Successfully for Dummies – Part 3: Reducing Bias in the Hiring Decision
Successful organizations strive to build equitable workplaces by identifying and reducing bias in their practices. Yet, according to a survey conducted by PXT Select, nine out of ten businesses surveyed identified hiring and selection as the number-one organizational...
Hiring Successfully for Dummies – Part 2: Tapping into the Value of Data
Organizations with the greatest hiring success use a consistent, data driven approach However, two thirds of hiring managers in a recent Wiley survey, said they tended to rely on instinct vs data when making a hiring decision. Instinct certainly is important and plays...
Hiring Successfully for Dummies – Part 1: Avoiding Bad Hiring Decisions
Say goodbye to bad hires by adding “job fit” measures to your selection process Hiring is difficult and the sad truth is that companies make the wrong hiring decisions more often than anyone cares to admit. We know the costs of a bad hire are significant, with the...
Overcoming Talent Disruptions Through Job Fit
In a competitive, ever-changing climate for limited talent resources, organizations can’t afford to make hiring mistakes Organizations everywhere are experiencing a profound disruption in the ways individuals interact and work. Many will find it tricky to understand...
Are Your Hiring Practices Out Of Date?
Why top exec's are all focused on cognitive diversity Several months ago, we released an article on the importance of reducing unconscious bias from the hiring process. Unconscious bias leads to decisions being made about a candidate’s fit based on criteria that is...
Keep Your People: How to Navigate the Great Resignation
Employee expectations have fundamentally shifted. A recent study by Microsoft (March 2021) indicated that over 40% of the global workforce would be willing to leave their job this year. This mass exodus is driven by many factors, including new job opportunities (that...