by Lucy Arkell | May 28, 2014 | sales training, Uncategorized
So you’ve finally gotten through the gatekeepers and have a scheduled meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of the company you’re trying to land a contract with. Perfect! Here is what you’ll need to do before you ever shake that CEO’s hand...
by Lucy Arkell | May 14, 2014 | sales training, Uncategorized
The best way to sell to a customer is to learn about the customer and the best way to learn about the customer is to let them talk. So how do you pinpoint what you need to know and extract that from the customer without spending hours in rambling conversation? You ask...
by Lucy Arkell | Apr 28, 2014 | sales training, Uncategorized
A PIR, or Price Investment Ratio, is the measurement used to create the expected market price of a product or service. Most often, however, product price is based on the cost to produce the product/service and the profit expected to be made. This Cost + Profit (C+P)...
by Lucy Arkell | Apr 14, 2014 | sales training, Uncategorized
Often, during sales training and motivational seminars, we’re told that “every sale can close.” We’re told that there are no prospects that will not become customers if we just go about it the right way. The fact is, there are sales that will...
by Lucy Arkell | Mar 28, 2014 | sales training, Uncategorized
There are usually two reasons that a product’s price increases: either the cost of the product itself (manufacture, labor, materials) has gone up or the value of the product is now higher. Although convincing a customer that your price has to go up is not always...
by Lucy Arkell | Mar 14, 2014 | sales training, Uncategorized
Three things define the strategy used in every negotiation: Trust, Time and Tactics. Often, the tactics will be defined by trust level and time commitment, but time can be used as a tactic and trust can be built over time. The key to successful negotiation is...