Identifying, attracting and retaining talent – top priorities for Canadian businesses in 2019, according to a recent Morneau Shepell Survey.

Accordingly 59% of HR leaders prioritize finding the “right” workers, reducing employee turnover and increasing engagement as critical to achieving this success. 

Great organizations know success begins with hiring the right people. Employees, who are well matched to their roles, are more engaged and are in roles where the expectations align well with their innate talents.

The problem is that only 5% of organizations feel they have “Best in Class” hiring processes in place according to a CEB, Global Market Survey. Many hiring decisions are made on impressions of the candidate (good resume, interview’s well, likeable) but are not made through data.

This significantly increases the risk of making a “bad” hire.

Harvard Business Review conducted a study of 360,000 individuals over a 20-year period and stated that Job Fit was the #1 predictor of success in a role.

Avoid costly hiring mistakes with PXT Select:

We all know the costs of a bad hire…

  • Low team morale
  • Low productivity and performance
  • Employee turnover
  • Dissatisfied customers
  • Increased costs to recruit & train (avgs. 30-50% of 1st year’s earnings)

The PXT Select assessment allows you to make smarter people decisions by adding objective data to traditional hiring practices.  

It allows you to:

  • Recruit right the first time by identifying and hiring candidates that fit the company, team and role
  • Fill the gaps between a resume and interview with actionable objective data
  • Identify the most suitable candidates, streamlining an effective hiring process
  • Match candidates with jobs that fit their inherent capabilities
  • Identify opportunities to enhance performance and maximize an individual’s contribution to an organization
  • Reduce turnover and boost employee engagement
A Proven Solution for Making Better Hiring Decisions!