Is your company onboarding new talent regularly? If so, is it being as effective as it should be? If not, what are you doing wrong? However, let us stop for a minute and look deeper into what onboarding is and why it is such an important tactic for your company.

Onboarding is the processes of adding sales people to your team that have complementary skills to how your team functions, allowing them to quickly become effective in your business model. Their skills provide them the tools to be able to flawlessly transition, and your ability to recognize them and empower those talents to the company’s benefit is paramount. In truth, onboarding is a recruiting that is underused in the industry. But if you are not sure if onboarding is something your HR department should be focusing on, consider the following benefits:

1. Onboarding increases the likelihood of sales staff delivering sales quickly. With onboarding, most sales staff will bring some of their own clients with them. These clients have an established relationship that already exists, making sales easier.

2. The reduced investment in the onboarded sales person means they deliver on the investment in them much faster than new staff.

3. Onboarding makes your company more attractive to outside sales people. Recruiters can use the onboarding process to their advantage in recruiting top talent.

4. Quicker turnaround, as new sales staffs already have sales fundamentals that are necessary to making sales with the company’s products. Education and teaching the sales person about a product is reduced.

5. Sales people perform better as they have the desired tools for success already.

6. Sales staff remain with the company longer.

Once your department has decided to start an onboarding program, there are several steps that should take for a successful program. These steps include establishing a game plan for their first day of work, how they will be educated (either phone book onboarding or fire hose onboarding are the most common), and then teaching them expectations and objectives. The most common onboarded talent will come from four places: Within the industry, outside the industry, within the company, a recent graduate. Each off these types of talent will require a pre-planned onboarding process in order to get them up to speed as fast as possible.

Onboarding is a great tactic for companies looking to bring in new talent and make them profitable as quickly as possible. If you are interested in learning more about onboarding and how it can help your company, get in touch with us here at LePhair.