Effective Leadership

“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort,” Vince Lombardi Managing and leading are two very different beasts and require different focuses and skill sets. Managers focus on the day to day, concerning themselves with...

5 Tips for Closing The Deal

There are several reasons why you ultimately lose deals you should have won. Unless your portfolio is poor, you often lose deals because you either didn’t listen or you didn’t effectively convey how your product/service would help the client reach their...

The Magic of Asking

People often say to me, “I am creating marketing material, meeting people and telling them about my business and I just don’t seem to be making sales. Do you have any suggestions?” When I ask them, “do you specifically ask them to buy your...

How To Build An Effective Team

Most businesses understand that having an effective team is their greatest asset. Those who can field effective teams are often miles ahead of their competition who cannot. Building and managing a good team is not easy, but with the right approach, processes and...